# Template file for 'gns3-server' pkgname=gns3-server version=2.1.5 revision=1 build_style=python3-module pycompile_module="gns3server" hostmakedepends="python3-setuptools" depends="python3-setuptools python3-jsonschema python3-aiohttp-cors python3-yarl python3-Jinja2 python3-raven python3-psutil python3-zipstream python3-prompt_toolkit dynamips" short_desc="Graphical Network Simulator 3 - Server" maintainer="Michael Aldridge " license="GPL-3.0-or-later" homepage="https://gns3.com" distfiles="https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/archive/v${version}.tar.gz" checksum=73ce2528dfbdc5478fc8bd6f5687f4c9bf30043ce6554d822a1f79b51dfd7381 broken="aiohttp 2.2.x or 2.3.x is required to run the GNS3 server" pre_build() { # relax requirements sed -i '/typing/d' requirements.txt sed -i 's|aiohttp-cors.*|aiohttp-cors>=0.5.3|' requirements.txt } post_install() { # remove tests directory polluting site-packages rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/python*/site-packages/tests } # The source archive contains statically linked artifacts for x86_64 # glibc, since this is the only architecture supported by upstream, we # mirror that requirement here. The artifacts in questions are the C # modules that are used to drive additional virtualization backends # for gns3. For more information, see this ticket: # https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/970 only_for_archs="x86_64"