# Template file for 'eog' pkgname=eog version=3.8.0 revision=1 build_style=gnu-configure hostmakedepends="which pkg-config intltool gnome-doc-utils itstool gobject-introspection" makedepends="gnome-desktop-devel>=3.8.0 libpeas-devel lcms2-devel exempi-devel libexif-devel librsvg-devel gnome-icon-theme shared-mime-info" short_desc="Eye of GNOME graphics viewer program" maintainer="Juan RP " homepage="http://www.gnome.org" license="GPL-2" distfiles="${GNOME_SITE}/eog/3.8/eog-$version.tar.xz" checksum=0f2f6f1eb1a373b2a6f8e5627b20815e5bf13b8c856b67d8f72d2a10b6012f2b long_desc=" eog or the Eye of GNOME is a simple graphics viewer for the GNOME desktop which uses the gdk-pixbuf library. It can deal with large images, and zoom and scroll with constant memory usage. Its goals are simplicity and standards compliance." eog-devel_package() { depends="gtk+3-devel" short_desc="${short_desc} - development files" pkg_install() { vmove usr/include vmove usr/lib/pkgconfig vmove usr/share/gtk-doc vmove usr/share/eog/gir-1.0 } } eog_package() { depends="hicolor-icon-theme desktop-file-utils gnome-icon-theme shared-mime-info" pkg_install() { vmove usr } }