# Template file for 'tacacs' pkgname=tacacs version= revision=2 wrksrc=$pkgname-F$version build_style=gnu-configure configure_args="--with-libwrap=no" hostmakedepends="flex perl" short_desc="Modified version of Cisco's tacacs+ (tac_plus) developer's kit" maintainer="Orphaned " license="custom:Cisco" homepage="http://www.shrubbery.net/tac_plus/" distfiles="ftp://ftp.shrubbery.net/pub/tac_plus/$pkgname-F$version.tar.gz" checksum=147f2dc98d26d2f93f0aba76c988ced196ffe1c001dc2e91f788a1a2c747219e python_version=2 disable_parallel_build=yes if [ -z "$CROSS_BUILD" -a "$XBPS_MACHINE" = "x86_64-musl" ]; then broken="Hangs when configure tests if children need to be reaped" fi pre_configure() { # -lnsl is not required w/o libwrap and prevents musl builds; rip it out sed -i configure -e "s;-lnsl ;;g" } post_install() { vlicense COPYING } tacacs-devel_package() { short_desc+=" - development files" depends="${sourcepkg}>=${version}_${revision}" pkg_install() { vmove usr/include vmove "usr/lib/*.a" vmove "usr/lib/*.so" } }