By default, this package supports only non-interactive graphics output. For interactive graphics, install: - gtk+3 gir-freedesktop python3.4-gobject python3.4-cairocffi (for GTK3Agg/GTK3Cairo backend) - python3.4-PyQt4|python3.4-pyside (for Qt4Agg backend) - python3.4-PyQt5 (for Qt5Agg backend) - python3.4-tkinter (for TkAgg backend) - python3.4-tornado (for webagg backend) To change the backend, you have two ways: - /etc/matplotlibrc (system-wide) - $HOME/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc (per-user basis) Natively, matplotlib only supports PNG images. Install python3.4-Pillow to support more file formats. Matplotlib’s LaTeX support requires a working LaTeX installation and ghostscript.