# Template file for 'buildbot-slave' pkgname=buildbot-slave version=0.8.4 distfiles="http://buildbot.googlecode.com/files/$pkgname-$version.tar.gz" build_style=python-module short_desc="BuildBot Slave Daemon" maintainer="Juan RP " homepage="http://trac.buildbot.net/" license="GPL-2" checksum=392ea68373d6e3000c4948c53f3dd157fa4ac491a1ca8a54dba75aca6f361dbb long_desc=" The BuildBot is a system to automate the compile/test cycle required by most software projects to validate code changes. By automatically rebuilding and testing the tree each time something has changed, build problems are pinpointed quickly, before other developers are inconvenienced by the failure. The guilty developer can be identified and harassed without human intervention. By running the builds on a variety of platforms, developers who do not have the facilities to test their changes everywhere before checkin will at least know shortly afterwards whether they have broken the build or not. Warning counts, lint checks, image size, compile time, and other build parameters can be tracked over time, are more visible, and are therefore easier to improve. This package contains only the buildslave implementation. The buildbot master is available in the buildbot package." noarch=yes Add_dependency full python Add_dependency full Twisted