# Template file for 'libgsm' pkgname=libgsm version=1.0.13 wrksrc=gsm-1.0-pl13 revision=7 homepage="http://www.quut.com/gsm/" distfiles="http://www.mangler.org/downloads/${pkgname}-${version}.tar.gz" short_desc="GSM 06.10 lossy speech compression" maintainer="davehome <davehome@redthumb.info.tm>" license="BSD-style" checksum=52c518244d428c2e56c543b98c9135f4a76ff780c32455580b793f60a0a092ad long_desc=" GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) is a cellular phone system standard popular outside the USA. GSM includes a codec, often just referred to as the GSM when discussing codecs." do_build() { make ${makejobs} } do_install() { vmkdir usr/include/gsm vmkdir usr/lib vmkdir usr/bin install -m755 bin/* ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin install -m755 lib/*.so ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib install -m644 lib/*.a ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib install -m644 inc/* ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/gsm rm -f ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/gsm/*.orig ln -sfr ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/gsm/gsm.h ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/gsm.h } libgsm-devel_package() { depends="libgsm>=${version}" short_desc+=" -- development files" pkg_install() { vmove usr/include vmove "usr/lib/*.a" } } libgsm_package() { pkg_install() { vmove usr } }