# Template build file for 'xev'. pkgname=xev version=1.1.0 distfiles="${XORG_SITE}/app/$pkgname-$version.tar.bz2" build_style=gnu-configure short_desc="Display X events" maintainer="Juan RP " checksum=3859c268edb26ad0484281a244a567ef2f70ba5f91f4b5dfd37799255ccf01c6 long_desc=" Xev is an X11 debugging tool. Xev creates a window (or can attach to an existing window) and then asks the X server to send it events whenever anything happens to the window (such as it being moved, resized, typed in, clicked in, etc cetera). This is the version of xev maintained by Xorg." Add_dependency run glibc Add_dependency run libX11 Add_dependency build pkg-config Add_dependency build libX11-devel