# Template file for 'qsynth' pkgname=qsynth version=0.3.6 homepage="http://qsynth.sourceforge.net" distfiles="${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/$pkgname/$pkgname-$version.tar.gz" build_style=gnu-configure revision=1 short_desc="Qt GUI Interface for FluidSynth" maintainer="davehome <davehome@redthumb.info.tm>" license="GPL-2" checksum=b5968da98661bac5c9fcc93d3a15851594dfbf3bb7d01ace15fbe8779d53fb3c long_desc=" Qsynth is a fluidsynth GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt4 toolkit using Qt Designer. Eventually it may evolve into a softsynth management application allowing the user to control and manage a variety of command line softsynth but for the moment it wraps the excellent FluidSynth. FluidSynth is a command line software synthesiser based on the Soundfont specification." gtk_iconcache_dirs="/usr/share/icons/hicolor" Add_dependency run jack # depend on the server too Add_dependency build pkg-config Add_dependency build qt-devel Add_dependency build jack-devel Add_dependency build fluidsynth-devel Add_dependency full desktop-file-utils Add_dependency full hicolor-icon-theme