## The XBPS source packages collection This repository contains the XBPS source packages collection to build binary packages for the Void Linux distribution. The included `xbps-src` script will fetch and compile the sources, and install its files into a `fake destdir` to generate XBPS binary packages that can be installed or queried through the `xbps-install(8)` and `xbps-query(8)` utilities, respectively. ### Requirements - GNU bash - xbps >= 0.44 `xbps-src` requires an utility to chroot and bind mount existing directories into a `masterdir` that is used as its main `chroot` directory. `xbps-src` supports multiple utilities to accomplish this task: - `xbps-uunshare(8)` - XBPS utility that uses `user_namespaces(7)` (part of xbps, default). - `xbps-uchroot(8)` - XBPS utility that uses `namespaces` and must be `setgid` (part of xbps). - `proot(1)` - utility that implements chroot/bind mounts in user space, see http://proot.me. > NOTE: you don't need to be `root` to use `xbps-src`, use your preferred chroot style as explained below. #### xbps-uunshare(8) This utility requires these linux kernel options: - CONFIG\_NAMESPACES - CONFIG\_IPC\_NS - CONFIG\_UTS\_NS - CONFIG\_USER\_NS This is the default method, and if your system does not support any of the required kernel options it will fail with `EINVAL (Invalid argument)`. #### xbps-uchroot(8) This utility requires these linux kernel options: - CONFIG\_NAMESPACES - CONFIG\_IPC\_NS - CONFIG\_PID\_NS - CONFIG\_UTS\_NS Your user must be added to a special group to be able to use `xbps-uchroot(8)` and the executable must be `setgid`: # chown root:<group> xbps-uchroot # chmod 4750 xbps-uchroot # usermod -a -G <group> <user> > NOTE: by default in void you shouldn't do this manually, your user must be a member of the `xbuilder` group. To enable it: $ cd void-packages $ echo XBPS_CHROOT_CMD=uchroot >> etc/conf If for some reason it's erroring out as `ERROR clone (Operation not permited)`, check that your user is a member of the required `group` and that `xbps-uchroot(8)` utility has the proper permissions and owner/group as explained above. #### proot(1) The `proot(1)` utility implements chroot and bind mounts support completely in user space, and can be used if your linux kernel does not have support for namespaces. See http://proot.me for more information. To enable it: $ cd void-packages $ echo XBPS_CHROOT_CMD=proot >> etc/conf ### Quick setup in Void Clone the `void-packages` git repository, install the bootstrap packages: ``` $ git clone git://github.com/voidlinux/void-packages.git $ cd void-packages $ ./xbps-src binary-bootstrap ``` Type: $ ./xbps-src -h to see all available targets/options and start building any available package in the `srcpkgs` directory. ### Install the bootstrap packages The `bootstrap` packages are a set of packages required to build any available source package in a container. There are two methods to install the `bootstrap`: - `bootstrap`: all bootstrap packages will be built from scratch; additional utilities are required in the host system to allow building the `base-chroot` package: binutils, gcc, perl, texinfo, etc. - `binary-bootstrap`: the bootstrap binary packages are downloaded via XBPS repositories. If you don't want to waste your time building everything from scratch probably it's better to use `binary-bootstrap`. ### Configuration The `etc/defaults.conf` file contains the possible settings that can be overrided through the `etc/conf` configuration file for the `xbps-src` utility; if that file does not exist, will try to read configuration settings from `~/.xbps-src.conf`. If you want to customize default `CFLAGS`, `CXXFLAGS` and `LDFLAGS`, don't override those defined in `etc/defaults.conf`, set them on `etc/conf` instead i.e: $ echo 'XBPS_CFLAGS="your flags here"' >> etc/conf $ echo 'XBPS_LDFLAGS="your flags here"' >> etc/conf Native and cross compiler/linker flags are set per architecture in `common/build-profiles` and `common/cross-profiles` respectively. Ideally those settings are good enough by default, and there's no need to set your own unless you know what you are doing. ### Virtual packages The `etc/defaults.virtual` file contains the default replacements for virtual packages, used as dependencies in the source packages tree. If you want to customize those replacements, copy `etc/defaults.virtual` to `etc/virtual` and edit it accordingly to your needs. ### Directory tree The following directory tree is used with a default configuration file: /void-packages |- common |- etc |- srcpkgs | |- xbps | |- template | |- hostdir | |- binpkgs ... | |- ccache-<arch> ... | |- distcc-<arch> ... | |- repocache ... | |- sources ... | |- masterdir | |- builddir -> ... | |- destdir -> ... | |- host -> bind mounted from <hostdir> | |- void-packages -> bind mounted from <void-packages> The description of these directories is as follows: - `masterdir`: master directory to be used as rootfs to build/install packages. - `builddir`: to unpack package source tarballs and where packages are built. - `destdir`: to install packages, aka **fake destdir**. - `hostdir/ccache-<arch>`: to store ccache data if the `XBPS_CCACHE` option is enabled. - `hostdir/distcc-<arch>`: to store distcc data if the `XBPS_DISTCC` option is enabled. - `hostdir/repocache`: to store binary packages from remote repositories. - `hostdir/sources`: to store package sources. - `hostdir/binpkgs`: local repository to store generated binary packages. ### Building packages The simplest form of building package is accomplished by running the `pkg` target in `xbps-src`: ``` $ cd void-packages $ ./xbps-src pkg <pkgname> ``` When the package and its required dependencies are built, the binary packages will be created and registered in the default local repository at `hostdir/binpkgs`; the path to this local repository can be added to any xbps configuration file (see xbps.d(5)) or by explicitly appending them via cmdline, i.e: $ xbps-install --repository=hostdir/binpkgs ... $ xbps-query --repository=hostdir/binpkgs ... By default **xbps-src** will try to resolve package dependencies in this order: - If dependency exists in the local repository, use it (`hostdir/binpkgs`). - If dependency exists in a remote repository, use it. - If dependency exists in a source package, use it. It is possible to avoid using remote repositories completely by using the `-N` flag. > The default local repository may contain multiple *sub-repositories*: `debug`, `multilib`, etc. ### Package build options The supported build options for a source package can be shown with `xbps-src show-options`: $ ./xbps-src show-options foo Build options can be enabled with the `-o` flag of `xbps-src`: $ ./xbps-src -o option,option1 pkg foo Build options can be disabled by prefixing them with `~`: $ ./xbps-src -o ~option,~option1 pkg foo Both ways can be used together to enable and/or disable multiple options at the same time with `xbps-src`: $ ./xbps-src -o option,~option1,~option2 pkg foo The build options can also be shown for binary packages via `xbps-query(8)`: $ xbps-query -R --property=build-options foo > NOTE: if you build a package with a custom option, and that package is available in an official void repository, an update will ignore those options. Put that package on `hold` mode via `xbps-pkgdb(8)`, i.e `xbps-pkgdb -m hold foo` to ignore updates with `xbps-install -u`. Once the package is on `hold`, the only way to update it is by declaring it explicitely: `xbps-install -u foo`. Permanent global package build options can be set via `XBPS_PKG_OPTIONS` variable in the `etc/conf` configuration file. Per package build options can be set via `XBPS_PKG_OPTIONS_<pkgname>`. > NOTE: if `pkgname` contains `dashes`, those should be replaced by `underscores` i.e `XBPS_PKG_OPTIONS_xorg_server=opt`. The list of supported package build options and its description is defined in the `common/options.description` file or in the `template` file. ### Sharing and signing your local repositories To share a local repository remotely it's mandatory to sign it and the binary packages stored on it. This is accomplished with the `xbps-rindex(8)` utility. First a RSA key must be created with `openssl(1)` or `ssh-keygen(8)`: $ openssl genrsa -des3 -out privkey.pem 4096 or $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f privkey.pem > Only RSA keys in PEM format are currently accepted by xbps. Once the RSA private key is ready you can use it to sign the repository: $ xbps-rindex --sign --signedby "I'm Groot" --privkey privkey.pem $PWD/hostdir/binpkgs > If --privkey is unset, it defaults to `~/.ssh/id_rsa`. If the RSA key was protected with a passphrase you'll have to type it, or alternatively set it via the `XBPS_PASSPHRASE` environment variable. Once the binary packages have been signed, check the repository contains the appropiate `hex fingerprint`: $ xbps-query --repository=$PWD/hostdir/binpkgs -vL ... Each time a binary package is created, the repository must be signed as explained above with the difference that only those new packages will be signed. > It is not possible to sign a repository with multiple RSA keys. ### Rebuilding and overwriting existing local packages If for whatever reason a package has been built and it is available in your local repository and you have to rebuild it without bumping its `version` or `revision` fields, it is possible to accomplish this task easily with `xbps-src`: $ ./xbps-src -f pkg xbps Reinstalling this package in your target `rootdir` can be easily done too: $ xbps-install --repository=/path/to/local/repo -yff xbps-0.25_1 > Please note that the `package expression` must be properly defined to explicitly pick up the package from the desired repository. ### Enabling distcc for distributed compilation Setup the slaves (machines that will compile the code): # xbps-install -Sy distcc Enable and start the `distccd` service: # ln -s /etc/sv/distccd /var/service In the host (machine that executes xbps-src) enable the following settings in the `void-packages/etc/conf` file: XBPS_DISTCC=yes XBPS_DISTCC_HOSTS="" ### Cross compiling packages for a target architecture Currently `xbps-src` can cross build packages for some target architectures with a cross compiler. The supported target is shown with `./xbps-src -h`. If a source package has been adapted to be **cross buildable** `xbps-src` will automatically build the binary package(s) with a simple command: $ ./xbps-src -a <target> pkg <pkgname> If the build for whatever reason fails, might be a new build issue or simply because it hasn't been adapted to be **cross compiled**. ### Using xbps-src in a foreign linux distribution xbps-src can be used in any recent linux distribution matching the cpu architecture. To use xbps-src in your linux distribution use the following instructions. Let's start downloading the xbps static binaries: $ wget http://repo.voidlinux.eu/static/xbps-static-latest.<arch>-musl.tar.xz $ mkdir ~/XBPS $ tar xvf xbps-static-latest.<arch>.tar.xz -C ~/XBPS $ export PATH=~/XBPS/usr/sbin:$PATH If your system does not support `user namespaces`, a privileged group is required to be able to use `xbps-uchroot(8)` with xbps-src, by default it's set to the `xbuilder` group, change this to your desired group: # chown root:<group> ~/XBPS/usr/sbin/xbps-uchroot.static # chmod 4750 ~/XBPS/usr/sbin/xbps-uchroot.static Clone the `void-packages` git repository: $ git clone git://github.com/voidlinux/void-packages and `xbps-src` should be fully functional; just start the `bootstrap` process, i.e: $ ./xbps-src binary-bootstrap The default masterdir is created in the current working directory, i.e `void-packages/masterdir`. ### Remaking the masterdir If for some reason you must update xbps-src and the `bootstrap-update` target is not enough, it's possible to recreate a masterdir with two simple commands (please note that `zap` keeps your `ccache/distcc/host` directories intact): $ ./xbps-src zap $ ./xbps-src binary-bootstrap ### Keeping your masterdir uptodate Sometimes the bootstrap packages must be updated to the latest available version in repositories, this is accomplished with the `bootstrap-update` target: $ ./xbps-src bootstrap-update ### Building 32bit packages on x86_64 Two ways are available to build 32bit packages on x86\_64: - cross compilation mode - native mode with a 32bit masterdir The first mode (cross compilation) is as easy as: $ ./xbps-src -a i686 pkg ... The second mode (native) needs a new x86 `masterdir`: $ ./xbps-src -m masterdir-x86 binary-bootstrap i686 $ ./xbps-src -m masterdir-x86 ... ### Building packages natively for the musl C library A native build environment is required to be able to cross compile the bootstrap packages for the musl C library; this is accomplished by installing them via `binary-bootstrap`: $ ./xbps-src binary-bootstrap Now cross compile `base-chroot-musl` for your native architecture: $ ./xbps-src -a x86_64-musl pkg base-chroot-musl Wait until all packages are built and when ready, prepare a new masterdir with the musl packages: $ ./xbps-src -m masterdir-x86_64-musl binary-bootstrap x86_64-musl Your new masterdir is now ready to build natively packages for the musl C library. Try: $ ./xbps-src -m masterdir-x86_64-musl chroot $ ldd To see if the musl C dynamic linker is working as expected. ### Building void base-system from scratch To rebuild all packages in `base-system` for your native architecture: $ ./xbps-src -N pkg base-system It's also possible to cross compile everything from scratch: $ ./xbps-src -a <target> -N pkg base-system Once the build has finished, you can specify the path to the local repository to `void-mklive`, i.e: # cd void-mklive # make # ./mklive.sh ... -r /path/to/hostdir/binpkgs ### Contributing See [Contributing](https://github.com/voidlinux/xbps-packages/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for a general overview of how to contribute and the [Manual](https://github.com/voidlinux/xbps-packages/blob/master/Manual.md) for details of how to create source packages.