# Template build file for 'icu'. pkgname=icu version=49.1.2 _distver="$(echo $version|sed -e 's|\.|_|g')" revision=1 wrksrc=icu build_wrksrc=source build_style=gnu-configure subpackages="icu-devel icu-libs" short_desc="Robust and full-featured Unicode services" maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>" homepage="http://www.icu-project.org/" license="ICU License /usr/share/licenses/icu/license.html" distfiles="http://download.icu-project.org/files/icu4c/${version}/icu4c-${_distver}-src.tgz" checksum=cce83cc88a2ff79d65c05426facbf30530bbe13a1cfda04b3ab81b55414cf5a3 long_desc=" The International Components for Unicode(ICU) is a C and C++ library that provides robust and full-featured Unicode support on a wide variety of platforms. The library provides: - Calendar support - Character set conversions - Collation (language-sensitive) - Date and time formatting - Locales (140+ supported) - Message catalogs (resources) - Message formatting - Normalization - Number and currency formatting - Time zones - Transliteration - Word, line and sentence breaks" post_install() { vinstall $wrksrc/license.html 644 usr/share/licenses/icu }