# Template file for 'Gauche' pkgname=Gauche version=0.9.9 revision=1 build_style=gnu-configure hostmakedepends="texinfo" makedepends="libticonv-devel libatomic_ops-devel" short_desc="Practical Scheme R7RS implementation" maintainer="rc-05 " license="BSD-3-Clause" homepage="https://practical-scheme.net/gauche/" distfiles="${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/gauche/${pkgname}-${version}.tgz" checksum=4ca9325322a7efadb9680d156eb7b53521321c9ca4955c4cbe738bc2e1d7f7fb alternatives=" scheme:scheme:/usr/bin/gauche scheme:scheme.1:/usr/share/man/man1/gauche.1 " if [ -n "$CROSS_BUILD" ]; then # Gauche needs itself to bootstrap for cross compilation. hostmakedepends+=" Gauche" # Normally BUILD_GOSH doesn't need to be set but in this case it is mandatory # as the native Gauche binary (which is needed to cross-compile for another # architecture) has been renamed for conflict problems with another package with # the same name. configure_args="BUILD_GOSH=/usr/bin/gauche" make_install_args="GOSH=/usr/bin/gauche" fi post_install() { # Needed as Gauche's binary conflicts with the "gosh" package bin. mv $DESTDIR/usr/bin/gosh $DESTDIR/usr/bin/gauche # Modify also the manual page filename to remain consitent. mv $DESTDIR/usr/share/man/man1/gosh.1 $DESTDIR/usr/share/man/man1/gauche.1 vlicense COPYING }