# Template build file for 'firefox'. pkgname=firefox version=3.5.6 wrksrc=mozilla-1.9.1 distfiles="ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/${pkgname}/releases/${version}/source/${pkgname}-${version}.source.tar.bz2" build_style=gnu_configure configure_args="--enable-application=browser --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk2 --disable-dbus --disable-crashreporter --disable-tests --disable-debug --enable-optimize --disable-embedding-tests --disable-installer --disable-javaxpcom --disable-embedding-tests --disable-necko-wifi --disable-libnotify --with-system-jpeg --with-system-zlib --with-system-bz2 --enable-system-cairo --with-system-sqlite --with-system-png" short_desc="Lightweight gecko-based web browser" maintainer="Juan RP " checksum=60462020c1935702cf87928a886778b3b52e73b0121a8264630b72d370ea3fd1 long_desc=" Mozilla Firefox is a free, open-source and cross-platform web browser for Windows, Linux, MacOS X and many other operating systems. It is small, fast and easy to use, and offers many advantages over other web browsers, such as tabbed browsing and the ability to block pop-up windows. Firefox also offers excellent bookmark and history management, and it can be extended by developers using industry standards such as XML, CSS, JavaScript, C++, etc. Many extensions are available." Add_dependency full zip Add_dependency full gtk+ Add_dependency full alsa-lib Add_dependency full libIDL