diff --git a/srcpkgs/uberwriter/patches/uberwriter-localesdb.patch b/srcpkgs/uberwriter/patches/uberwriter-localesdb.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..657387c5df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/srcpkgs/uberwriter/patches/uberwriter-localesdb.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+diff -up uberwriter_bugfixes/setup.py.orig uberwriter_bugfixes/setup.py
+--- uberwriter_bugfixes/setup.py.orig 2012-12-10 23:22:28.168386230 -0600
++++ uberwriter_bugfixes/setup.py 2012-12-10 23:24:50.598256044 -0600
+@@ -159,7 +159,4 @@ DistUtilsExtra.auto.setup(
+ "uberwriter_lib",
+ "uberwriter"
+ ],
+- package_data={
+- 'pylocales' : ['locales.db']
+- }
+ )
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff -up uberwriter_bugfixes/uberwriter_lib/pylocales/locales.py.orig uberwriter_bugfixes/uberwriter_lib/pylocales/locales.py
+--- uberwriter_bugfixes/uberwriter_lib/pylocales/locales.py.orig 2012-12-10 23:25:11.512379118 -0600
++++ uberwriter_bugfixes/uberwriter_lib/pylocales/locales.py 2012-12-10 23:26:03.519678793 -0600
+@@ -38,20 +38,8 @@ __all__ = ['Country', 'Language', 'Langu
+ _translator_language = gettext.translation('iso_639', fallback=True).gettext
+ _translator_country = gettext.translation('iso_3166', fallback=True).gettext
+-# Decides where the database is located. If an application provides an
+-# os.path.get_module_path monkey patch to determine the path where the module
+-# is located it uses this. If not it searches in the directory of this source
+-# code file.
+-__path__ = None
+-if hasattr(os.path, 'get_module_path'):
+- __path__ = os.path.get_module_path(__file__)
+- if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(__path__, 'locales.db')):
+- __path__ = None
+-if __path__ is None:
+- __path__ = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
+ # Loading the Database
+-_database = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(__path__, 'locales.db'))
++_database = sqlite3.connect('/usr/share/uberwriter/locales.db')
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/srcpkgs/uberwriter/patches/uberwriter-no-apt.patch b/srcpkgs/uberwriter/patches/uberwriter-no-apt.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29c37ef51f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/srcpkgs/uberwriter/patches/uberwriter-no-apt.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+diff -up uberwriter_bugfixes/uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py.orig uberwriter_bugfixes/uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py
+--- uberwriter_bugfixes/uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py.orig 2012-12-10 13:24:22.947869013 -0600
++++ uberwriter_bugfixes/uberwriter/UberwriterWindow.py 2012-12-10 13:24:38.839927266 -0600
+@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import subprocess
+ import os
+ import codecs
+ import webbrowser
+-import apt
+ import urllib
+ from locale import gettext as _
+@@ -528,25 +527,6 @@ class UberwriterWindow(Window):
+ self.export("html")
+ def export_as_pdf(self, widget, data=None):
+- if self.texlive_installed == False:
+- try:
+- cache = apt.Cache()
+- inst = cache["texlive"].is_installed
+- except:
+- inst = True
+- if inst == False:
+- dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self,
+- Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
+- Gtk.MessageType.INFO,
+- None,
+- _("You can not export to PDF.")
+- )
+- dialog.format_secondary_markup(_("Please install texlive from the software center."))
+- response = dialog.run()
+- return
+- else:
+- self.texlive_installed = True
+ self.export("pdf")
+ def copy_html_to_clipboard(self, widget, date=None):
+@@ -851,10 +831,6 @@ class UberwriterWindow(Window):
+ self.UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog = UberwriterAdvancedExportDialog
+ # Code for other initialization actions should be added here.
+- # Texlive checker
+- self.texlive_installed = False
+ # Draw background
+ self.background_image = helpers.get_media_path('bg_light.png')
diff --git a/srcpkgs/uberwriter/template b/srcpkgs/uberwriter/template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd82ceaa36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/srcpkgs/uberwriter/template
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Template file for 'uberwriter'
+hostmakedepends="python-distutils-extra intltool"
+depends="python-enchant python-gobject python-enchant pandoc ttf-ubuntu-font-family"
+short_desc="The simplest writing application"
+maintainer="Andrea Brancaleoni "
+post_install() {
+ vinstall uberwriter_lib/pylocales/locales.db 644 usr/share/uberwriter