diff --git a/templates/irssi-0.8.12.tmpl b/templates/irssi-0.8.12.tmpl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8f73eefb7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/irssi-0.8.12.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# ----*----		----*-----
+# Template build file for 'irssi-0.8.12'
+# ----*----		----*-----
+# Name of the package, sometimes you need a different name than
+# the one used in the source distribution file.
+# Suffix extraction, only supported: zip and tar/tar+(gz|bzip2).
+# Use this if pkgname doesn't match or if there are multiple
+# source distribution files.
+# URL to fetch
+# Arguments passed to configure if $build_style = {,gnu_}configure.
+# Arguments passed to configure through the environment
+# Build style: gnu_configure, bsd-makefile, gnu-makefile, configure.
+# Passed flags to the 'make' command before building the package.
+# Passed flags to the 'make' command before installing the package.
+# Short description, max 1 line of 72 chars.
+short_desc="Secure and modular IRC client with text mode user interface"
+# Maintainer of this pkg: name <email>.
+maintainer="Juan RP <xtraeme@gmail.com>"
+# Checksum of file with rmd160.
+# Long description. Preferibly first line should be left blank
+# and use a whitespace while starting lines.
+# Please also respect 72 chars per line if possible (max 80).
+Irssi is a modular IRC client that currently has only text mode user
+interface, but 80-90% of the code isn't text mode specific, so other UIs
+could be created pretty easily. Also, Irssi isn't really even IRC specific
+anymore, there's already a working SILC module available. Support for other
+protocols like ICQ could be created some day too."