## docker.jcg.re/emby Docker image running a liberated version of emby. #### Tags: - **latest**: latest stable version #### Build Arguments: - **VERSION**: What version to build. This version needs to be available in both emby and emby-unlocked. #### Environment variables: - **UID**: User to run emby as. - **GID**: Group to run emby as. #### Volumes: - **/data**: application data. - **/media**: media #### Ports: - **8096**: HTTP Port. #### Basic `docker-compose.yml` example: A basic example for docker-compose: ```yaml version: '2' services: emby: image: docker.jcg.re/emby container_name: emby ports: - 8096 volumes: - ./data:/data:z - ./media:/media:z ``` The `:z` mount options are needed on RedHat systemd hosts. You probably want to run this behind a reverse proxy, like caddy. ### Credits: I've used the following open source things in here: - [emby.media](https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby) (GPLv2) - [emby-unlocked](https://github.com/nvllsvm/emby-unlocked) (GPLv2) - [su-exec](https://github.com/ncopa/su-exec) (MIT)