# docker-dehydrated This is a docker container that wraps around [dehydrated](https://github.com/lukas2511/dehydrated). ## Environment variables The following environment variables can be set to influence the container's behaviour: - `$ENDPOINT` which ACME-Endpoint you want to use, supported values: "staging", "production" (default). - `$CHALLENGE` what type of challenge should be used, supported values: "http-01" (default), "dns-01" If the environment variables were not explicitely set, no modification to the configuration file is made ## Behaviour on startup When the container is started, a script is run which looks for the configuration file in the places supported by dehydrated, and if no configuration file is found, it will copy the [example configuration file](https://github.com/lukas2511/dehydrated/docs/examples/config) into `/etc/dehydrated/config`.