extends: default.liquid title: caddy path: /docker-caddy --- ## docker.jcg.re/caddy [![Build Status](https://drone.jcg.re/api/badges/jcgruenhage/docker-caddy/status.svg)](https://drone.jcg.re/jcgruenhage/docker-caddy) #### Tags: - **latest**: latest stable version (currently 0.10.10) - **v0.10.10**: v0.10.10 of caddy - **v0.10.9**: v0.10.9 of caddy - **v0.10.8**: v0.10.8 of caddy - **v0.10.7**: v0.10.7 of caddy - **v0.10.6**: v0.10.6 of caddy - **v0.10.5**: v0.10.5 of caddy - **v0.10.4**: v0.10.4 of caddy #### Build-time variables - **CLONE_URL**: From where to clone caddy (default: https://github.com/mholt/caddy.git) - **BRANCH**: Which branch to use. (default: `latest stable tag) #### Environment variables - **UID**: user id (default: 192) - **GID**: group id (default: 192) - **DOMAIN**: the domain that should be served (required for automatic tls) - **EMAIL**: the email address to use for let's encrypt (required for automatic tls) - **USE_QUIC**: set this to anything to enable experimental quic support (default: off) - **LE_STAGING**: use staging let's encrypt endpoint (default: off -> production) #### Volumes - **/etc/Caddyfile**: webserver configuration (optional) - **/var/www/**: content to serve - **/caddy**: caddy will store it's certificates here (recommended if tls is active) #### Ports - 80 - 443 #### Basic docker-compose.yml example Insecure example serving the contents of `./website`on port 80: ```yaml version: '2' services: caddy: image: docker.jcg.re/caddy container_name: caddy ports: - 80:80 volumes: - ./website:/var/www/ ``` Secure example serving the contents of `./website`on https://example.com/ with an automatic redirect to https: ```yaml version: '2' services: caddy: image: docker.jcg.re/caddy container_name: caddy ports: - 80:80 - 443:443 volumes: - ./website:/var/www/ environment: - DOMAIN=example.com - EMAIL=you@example.com ``` Custom example doing whatever-the-fuck-you-want (take a look at https://caddyserver.com/docs): ```yaml version: '2' services: caddy: image: docker.jcg.re/caddy container_name: caddy ports: - 80:80 - 443:443 volumes: - ./website:/var/www - ./Caddyfile:/etc/Caddyfile ```