// Copyright (C) 2021, 2023 Jan Christian Grünhage // // This file is part of cloudflare-ddns-service. // // cloudflare-ddns-service is non-violent software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify it // under the terms of the CNPLv7+ as found in the LICENSE.md file in the source code root directory // or at . // // cloudflare-ddns-service comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable // law. See the LICENSE.md for details. mod network; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use network::{get_current_ipv4, get_current_ipv6, get_record, get_zone, update_record}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_yaml::{from_str, to_writer}; use std::{ fs::{create_dir_all, read_to_string, File}, net::{Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr}, path::PathBuf, time::Duration, }; use tokio::time::interval; use cloudflare::{ endpoints::dns::DnsContent, framework::{ async_api::Client as CfClient, auth::Credentials, Environment, HttpApiClientConfig, }, }; use reqwest::Client as ReqwClient; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Config { api_token: String, zone: String, domain: String, #[serde(default = "yes")] ipv4: bool, #[serde(default = "no")] ipv6: bool, #[serde(default = "default_duration")] interval: u64, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Default)] struct Cache { v4: Option, v6: Option, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { env_logger::Builder::from_env(env_logger::Env::default().default_filter_or("info")).init(); let config_string = read_to_string("/etc/cloudflare-ddns-service/config.yaml") .context("couldn't read config file!")?; let config: Config = from_str(&config_string).context("Failed to parse config file")?; let cache_dir = PathBuf::from("/var/cache/cloudflare-ddns-service"); let cache_path = cache_dir.join("cache.yaml"); let mut cache = match read_to_string(&cache_path).map(|str| from_str(&str)) { Ok(Ok(cache)) => cache, _ => { create_dir_all(cache_dir)?; Cache::default() } }; let mut interval = interval(Duration::new(config.interval, 0)); let mut reqw_client = ReqwClient::new(); let mut cf_client = CfClient::new( Credentials::UserAuthToken { token: config.api_token.clone(), }, HttpApiClientConfig::default(), Environment::Production, ) .context("Failed to initiate cloudflare API client")?; let zone = get_zone(config.zone.clone(), &mut cf_client) .await .context("Failed to get zone")?; loop { if let Err(error) = update( &config, &mut cache, &cache_path, &zone, &mut reqw_client, &mut cf_client, ) .await { log::error!("Failed to update record: {}", error); } interval.tick().await; } } async fn update( config: &Config, cache: &mut Cache, cache_path: &PathBuf, zone: &str, reqw_client: &mut ReqwClient, cf_client: &mut CfClient, ) -> Result<()> { if config.ipv4 { let current = get_current_ipv4(reqw_client) .await .context("Failed to query current IPv4 address")?; log::debug!("fetched current IP: {}", current.to_string()); match cache.v4 { Some(old) if old == current => { log::debug!("ipv4 unchanged, continuing..."); } _ => { log::info!("ipv4 changed, setting record"); let rid = get_record(zone, config.domain.clone(), network::A_RECORD, cf_client) .await .context("couldn't find record!")?; log::debug!("got record ID {}", rid); update_record( zone, &rid, &config.domain, DnsContent::A { content: current }, cf_client, ) .await .context("Failed to set DNS record")?; cache.v4 = Some(current); write_cache(cache, cache_path) .context("Failed to write current IPv4 address to cache")?; } } } if config.ipv6 { let current = get_current_ipv6(reqw_client) .await .context("Failed to query current IPv4 address")?; log::debug!("fetched current IP: {}", current.to_string()); match cache.v6 { Some(old) if old == current => { log::debug!("ipv6 unchanged, continuing...") } _ => { log::info!("ipv6 changed, setting record"); let rid = get_record(zone, config.domain.clone(), network::AAAA_RECORD, cf_client) .await .context("couldn't find record!")?; log::debug!("got record ID {}", rid); update_record( zone, &rid, &config.domain, DnsContent::AAAA { content: current }, cf_client, ) .await .context("Failed to set DNS record")?; cache.v6 = Some(current); write_cache(cache, cache_path) .context("Failed to write current IPv4 address to cache")?; } } } Ok(()) } fn write_cache(cache: &mut Cache, cache_path: &PathBuf) -> Result<()> { to_writer( File::create(cache_path).context("Failed to open cache file for writing")?, cache, ) .context("Failed to serialize cache into file")?; Ok(()) } fn yes() -> bool { true } fn no() -> bool { false } fn default_duration() -> u64 { 60 }